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Landscape conservation: water buffalo graze on the southern grounds of the CleanTech Business Park Marzahn

Animals stay on the 25-hectare site for three months

Shepherd Knut Kucznik has been caring for water buffalo since 2011. Water buffalo graze in wet areas and are very frugal. For example, fenland sites can be well maintained. They are very peaceful and lovable animals.

Shepherd Knut Kucznik brought the buffalo to the CBP with his former teacher Horst Froh (83) and two employees. The area was already ideally prepared with a wallow and a drinking trough so that the buffalo felt at home as soon as they arrived. Sheep were herded on the land of today’s CBP even in GDR times.

For safety reasons, the grazing area is secured with an electric fence, which should not be touched.


Lukas Becker
WISTA Management GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 17 | D-12489 Berlin
Mobil: +49 151 111 22 847


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